Monday, June 25, 2007

"Can Gossiping on the Job Really Hurt You?

Should gossiping be allowed in the work place? According to an article in, May 2007, everyone gossips from time to time. There are seven rules to follow for "safe" gossiping. 1. Only gossip now and then, and be aware of who is listening. 2. Don't spend too much time with known office gossips, or you may be judged guilty by association. 3. Listen carefully, but say as little as possible. Don't appear to be the ambulance chaser or a tattletale so you can be the one with the scoop. 4. Work on the principle that whatever you say, will be repeated. Think of the implications of this before you speak. 5. Consider the source of gossip and the source's hidden motives. People sometimes plant information to manipulate a situation. 6. Do not badmouth people; your comments will often come back to haunt you as alliances shift in the workplace. 7. If something you say gets back to a friend or colleague in a way that you wish it hadn't, apologize and be honest. This is the only way of salvaging your reputation and limiting the damage. Do you think the Hookset 4 should loose their job?


Mary Lou said...

Very interesting article. I believe that people gossip sometimes to vent. Gossipping can hurt peoples' feelings and be very detrimentalv in the work place.

Eileen said...

Interesting choice with this article. Gossiping is not only destructive to the victim but also to the team and organization.More companies should hold employees accountable for unprofessional behavior

Linda's Blog said...

I totally agree with Eileen. Gossiping is destructive to a positive work environment and can be hurtful to individuals as well as the team. Nice posting.

posted by JoAnn said...

Gossiping can under mine everything that an organization trying to do.